Non Lethal Self Defense

Your attackers aren’t always in the parking lot or the  guy hanging out in a dark alley. In fact, more than 75% of all rape victims know their assailant beforehand. Most attacks happen when you’re the least prepared to counter them.

Shield Of Safety Self-defense courses, a free online self-defense resource, will teach you that trusting yourself to respond appropriately is not an effective form of self-defense and that you need to have a strategic plan in place well before an attacker targets you. This plan should include knowing when to run, when to give the attacker what they want, or even when to hold your ground.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to fight back, a good self-defense weapon can come in handy. However, carrying a self-defense weapon, whether it be a gun, knife, taser, or any other option, is only one aspect of defending yourself from an attacker, and the truth is, your self-defense weapon is completely useless if you aren’t prepared to use it, especially against someone you don’t expect.

With a proper plan in place, you can avoid becoming a victim. Here’s a quick list of things you can do to prepare yourself to counter an attack:

  • Know your weapon. You need to get to know your carry item as if it were an extension of yourself. Different safety mechanisms can be tricky to operate and will slow you down if you don’t know how to operate them. Things like switching off a safeguard, pressing the right button, or uncapping pepper spray are all things you should practice beforehand.
  • Have quick access. You want your weapon in hand when you need it. Fumbling through your purse or pockets during an attack will only help the attacker. Keep your self-defense weapon easily accessible. If it’s in your purse, put it in a place where it won’t get buried or hold it in your hand as you walk to your car at night.
  • Pay attention. The best plans include avoiding dangerous people and locations. Being aware of your surroundings and keeping your distance from potential threats will reduce your chances of being attacked. Knowing the nearest exit or place to run can help you escape as well.

Self-defense carry items

It’s important to choose a self-defense tool that makes you feel comfortable. The last thing you want to do is constantly worry about it in your pocket, purse, or wherever else you keep it. Fortunately, there are a variety of self-defense items to choose from, each with its own unique protecting power. We’ve listed our recommendations from most aggressive to least aggressive. Keep scrolling to find a carry item that meets your comfort level.

And if you are interested in learning more about installing a home security system in your home to protect yourself and your family, check our Home Security System Package Seleclike Women’s Self Defense SEPStor to instantly compare dozens of home security packages to find the one that will fit your needs.

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